Information regarding this show comes from the famous "Mike Patton's first gig" video bootleg. It's FNM Gig Database's opinion that the gig in this video is Nightmoves, Huntington Beach on the 11th March. As such the "Mike Patton's first gig" video isn't Patton's first gig, not at Bogart's and not on 12th March.
The earliest labels of this bootleg are "Long Beach 1989". It's unknown when it was labelled as being at Bogart's, nor with this date.
CV DatabaseSetlist.fmI've spoken with two previous employees of Bogart's, and photographers of the time, and they're of the opinion the video wasn't filmed at that venue. A number of people have stated they were at the gig in the video and it was at Nightmoves.
A gig advertisement for Faith No More playing at
Whiskey A Go Go has been found for this date. It's possible they played two gigs on this day though so the date isn't necessarily wrong.