Before Introduce Yourself: "Hello Munchin'"
The Crab Song, Patton: "Right now I'd like to introduce on the guitar, Hans Donkeyhosen"
Before Haribo/Edge Of The World: "Ready to mellow out Munich?"
"Haribo Haribo" chant in the middle of Chinese Arithmetic, but Jim stubbornly chants "Satan".
After Surprise! You're Dead! Patton asks if Puffy threw a stick at someone, and offers to let them on stage to fight him.
Roddy plays some weird keyboard samples that turns into a brief jam before Epic.
Epic is announced as: "This next song is out new single and it's called E.P.I.C. mother fucker"
After coming back for encore, before Jim, Jim says: "Yesterday was mother's day yah? I'm going to play a song for my mum. Is that alright?"