After Caffeine, Patton: "The word for the evening is butt fuck. Everybody say butt fuck!"
Before The Crab Song, Roddy: "Hello. How are you? Is Jerry Lewis in the house?"
Before Be Aggressive, Roddy: "This next song... it starts like this!"
When Patton singing "Warm It Up Kriss" in We Care A Lot both Bill and Roddy shout "No!" instead of the usual "I'm about to."
After Woodpecker From Mars:
- Patton: What happened Roddy?
- Roddy: I want my other shoe back! Give me my shoe!
During Jizzlobber Roddy shouts "Give me my shoe!"
Before Death March after returning for encore, Roddy: "Thank you very much for coming to our show. You like my shoe?"
Before Let's Lynch The Landlord, Roddy: "This is a song by the Dead Kennedys. They're a band from San Francisco who preaches love."
Before A Small Victory Roddy apologises for not being able to count in in French.