?? March 1986
House party
Athens, GA, USA
Details of this gig are questioned.
[No setlist details]
Gig date assumed, might be March.

"On our first tour, we had a show in Jacksonville Mississippi, and the next day in Athens, GA, a 12 hour drive. Someone in Mississippi gave us Ron's number as a contact in Athens, maybe for a place to stay. About halfway (6hrs) there I called the club to get load-in time and he told me that school ended the day before, there was no promotion, and maybe we should think about not coming. Unfortunately, we had no shows for a week and nowhere else to go so we didn't really have a choice. When I got into town I called Ron, invited him to the show and put him on the guest list.
As it turns out, he was the only person who came. We played for him and the bartender, and got in a fight on stage. We got paid $2 that night because he bought a beer.

Ron ended up totally saving us, finding us a place to stay, both in Athens and Atlanta (where we spent about a week) and hooked up a great house party in Athens that got raided by the cops as we were playing. AND he turned us on to Rocky's Pizza. Great guy".
Bill Gould, 2013.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1984 Sound Of Music, San Francisco CA, USA
1986 40 Watt Club, Athens GA, USA
1988 100 Club, London England
1990 L'Amours, New York NY, USA
1995 Docks, Hamburg Germany