Before Midlife Crisis: "Everybody happy?! I don't think so... Don't worry... be happy."
At the end of Zombie Eaters Patton sings the last line of Stairway To Heaven, "she's buying a stairway to heaven."
During Evidence: "Is there any fruit on that tree?" - "Pretend like you're having fun at least"
Before We Care A Lot: "Everyone say "move your ass!" you remember that one?" (referring to a Scotter song)
In intro to We Care A Lot Patton sings the melody to something, "something like that". It's possible he's trying to do the melody to Move Your Ass.
Before Last To Know: "We have time for just one more, they're kicking us out"
They start to play it but Dean stuffs up, "Bad bad bad boy! Bad boy! Start over! Everyone say bad boy! Don't do it again! Play it like a real musician! No talking back either!"