During Midlife Crisis long pause to let crowd sing, then:
- Patton: "You know what, I've got to take the chance to do this, just so I can tell my grandkids I did it"
- * crowd laughs - Patton is apparently running around the Metallica pit with his pants down *
- * band almost starts RV *
- Patton: "Woo, that was refreshing..."
- * Midlife Crisis finishes*
After Midlife Crisis:
- Bill: Mike I thought you were gonna take a shit on stage for a second.
- Roddy: That's what I thought too.
- Patton: You guys thought I was gonna shit? Why would I do that? I don't even want to give you my shit!
After We Care A Lot, Patton: "Hey, you know what? This morning as I was walking out of the hotel and going into the elevator, I saw James Hetfield, and almost naked! He was wearing a little towel, but he was standing in the window, kinda like this. Like he wanted me to look at him."
In the middle of Chinese Arithmetic Jim yells "Big dog's cock" while someone else yells "5 more days!"