The only time Faith No More have visited Peru.
The first performance of Collision and Caralho Voador on the 2009 tour.
The band speak Spanish through much of the set.
After Caffeine:
- Roddy: Lima! We've never met! Hello!
- Bill: Como stamos
- Roddy: You are Lima! True!
- Crowd: Faith No More! Faith No More!
- Roddy: No, that's us!
After Surprise! You're Dead!:
- Roddy: Everyone ok? Y'all playin' it safe? You're real good singers.
Midlife Crisis pause, crowd sings. Patton says "Popcorn" during the pause, but they don't play it.
During Scarface Theme, Roddy: "Can we have the lights down please? Little mood. Thank you"
After return for second encore, Roddy: "Thank you much, it turns out we're not done. Lima thanks so much for having us, this is a rare show for us. We've never been here before and it's pretty special for us. Thanks for having us, our first time."
Ole ole ole sample before Chariots Of Fire.